(1). The Skills and Knowledge (S&K) design sheet
(2). Your 'Project work' design sheet
This blog post relates to the work that needs to be recorded in the S&K design sheet...
Throughout the course you'll have lessons where you'll be taught about general photographic equipment, materials, techniques and processes. This information relates to your overall photographic skills and knowledge and therefore needs to be 'Captured' e.g. written about and explained along with diagrams and photographs.
The list here can be used as the headings in your S&K design sheet in order to record your work that you need to capture during the Pinhole phase... This work can be done during class sessions if you're efficient, before or after classes, but generally most students will do this as homework.
Explanations and images of...
- Operational context - Editorial Photography - General description with examples (Images)
- Operational context - Art Photography - General description with examples (Images)
- The Darkroom - Images of and explanation of its purpose and function
- Wet tray processing - Images of & explanation of the process
- Multigrade developer - Images of & explanation of its purpose and function (product data sheet capture).
- Stop Bath - Images of & explanation of its purpose and function (product data sheet capture).
- Fixer - Images of & explanation of its purpose and function (product data sheet capture).
- RCVC Photographic paper - Image of box, product data sheet info with characteristics and properties, images of print and how it's used.
- H&S details relating to working in the darkroom - images of the H&S equipment.
- Explanations of Diffuse and 'Point' light with diagrams and explanations.
- Pinhole camera - what is it, how is it used? Examples of images from it - diagrams and images of the camera and what its made of.
- Composition rules - including rule of thirds and conventions for portraits.
- Field of view - examples of (Images) and explanations
When done well, the work might look like this and include in the case of materials such as papers and films...
- Image of the product/material
- Relevant pages from the Product data sheets.
- Your commentary based on your own observations and use.
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