Tuesday, September 6, 2022

What images should I use for my research pages?

 On the first page of your research you're directed to fill the page with images with an optional section at the end that you can write up your Initial response to the images. 

What sort of images should you use? 

* Most of the images should be from the set/series of images you're looking at in conjunction with your chosen photographer e.g. examples of their work. 

*The other images need to be of a type that help to illustrate how the Photographer makes a living, what it is they do that they're paid for, how and where do they sell their work, who are they commissioned and employed by? 

Dependent what genre they work in (Their operational context)  there'll be different options.

Exhibition evidence.

Type the Photographers name in Google images and pre-fix with exhibition or show. 



These are usually seen on the Photographers homepage on their website. Look for a tab labelled "Press". Screen grab either the image as in this example or the list if displayed as a list. 

Front covers 

These are useful in the case of fashion Photographers, simply by searching using the photographers name and "front covers" or specific magazines e.g. Vogue front covers.


Action shots

Or the Photographer with their camera on location or in the studio.

These can be found using the pre-fix "With camera" or "On location" or "Behind the scenes" You'll often find videos on Youtube showing the photographer at work. Screen grab images that illustrate them working and using equipment or working with models. 


Some Photographer supplement their income by publishing books as well. So they get a percentage of the sales from the books sold or paid a fee for allowing for their images to be used in the books. 

Website pages

Also use website pages. If your work is re-produced on a website page, you'll be paid for the use of the images on the website page (Re-production rights) and if you write up the 'Copy' e.g. the article, you're also paid for that.

The same applies for hard-copy magazines, you're paid for the use of your images in the magazine and any copy you produce. This type of photograph is "Editorial" work. 

Sold at Auction evidence

Using the pre-fix Sold at auction you can establish whether the photographer make money by selling their work to art collectors and private buyers. 

One of the best options when doing this is 'Phillips' auction website as they detail the materials the work is produced using e.g. the paper it's printed on and the size of the images and the price the work is sold for. All of which help to illustrate ways in which the Photographer earns income. 

Once you're into the auction websites, click on the individual images for further details about size and the materials that they're printed on.

Again simply screen grab and refer to all these visual references in your main commentary on the main page where you write up the detail and analysis. 


Many photographers also do stints at teaching often as a significant part-time activity - especially if they are Art Photographers. Again, details of this can be found on their homepage in descriptions under "About". 

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