B2 kicks off in January and is a series of 2-3 wholly self-directed projects that incorporate elements of everything that you've previously learned across the 1st and 2nd year.
It's heavily loaded in terms of points whereas all your previous units were 1 point of a pass, 2 for Merit and 3 for a distinction this unit is valued at 3 for a pass, 6 for a merit and 9 for a distinction and can make a significant difference to your final grade.
- From Jan to the Feb half term you work on Project 1.
- From Feb to Easter you work on Project 2.
- From Easter to the end of the year you work on Project 3.
- What are you going to Photograph - what will your theme be?
- Consider that you'll need to be able to photograph your subject/theme several times over the duration of the project and therefore it needs to be accessible during your days off unless of course you choose a theme that is easily shot in the college using the resources and people in the college.
(Plan/intention) My initial idea is that I'm going to try and produce a body of work with the theme of cricket potentially focusing on the people involved, but not exclusively, I'm going to be open minded at this stage with regards how the project will pan out, but given that my long term goal is to work in Editorial photography and perhaps also sell some of my work if suited as fine art photography I feel that this theme allows the flexibility for it to develop in a range of ways and allow for an array of different approaches and experiments. Towards the end of the project I'm hoping the work would have developed to an extent that I would feel confident that it would also be suited to for a submission to the Doncaster art fair.
To this end I'm going to probably research photographers that produce portraits on location using available light and possibly sport photography in some form.
Step 2_______________________________________________
Produce two bodies of research on 2 artists associated with your theme.
1 x page of images associated with the body of work that you've used for your research.
1 x page of detailed commentary (Research) on (a). how the Photographer generates income as a photographer, who their clients are, who their audience is and what the demographic details are with regards the audience. (b.) Details relating to how the image works in terms of 'Communicating' meaning, message, narrative and mood (Visual language). *This can extend to the 3rd page.
1 x page of the visual evidence to support your claims with regards how the photographer make a living... Front covers, client lists, published books, sold at auction screen grabs, magazine and website articles showing their work, client lists, gallery and show lists, images of their work in galleries and details about the individual sales of prints sold via either auction websites or their own websites. Also images of them at work (Studio or on location).
*Note further research can be added at any point in your work at the developmental stages if it further informs and influences your work. I needn't be as comprehensive as the first two bodies of research and can be a columns worth of research.
Step 3_____________________________________________
The post research reflection
This is important and should be done in the first week as soon as you have completed the research. You need to reflect on the usefulness of the research in terms of its value in giving you ideas or reinforcing any ideas first discussed on the intro page. What have you seen or read, that will now inform your work and feed into the first shoot you'll be doing?
Has it changed in terms of your plans/intention mentioned in the intro? If so how?
Operational context Where does the research leave you in terms of your operational context? Reiterate what type of photography you'll be producing , mention the types of scenarios your idea might be seen and used at this stage. What will the work do in terms of skills acquisition - is there any new learning going to be involved or is it consolidation of skills? Will it offer opportunities to get experimental? How will you be challenged? Is the work likely to support your portfolio - where does it fit into your progression plans - what's its purpose?
Problems Has the research and your idea as it stands high-lighted any problems and does it therefore allow you any opportunities at this stage to discuss problem solving?
See below for further descriptions of the post research reflection
Level 3 Photography resources: Reflection (Post research)
Step 4______________________________________________
The developmental practical work
Aim to produce one shoot per week using experimental approaches, looking to evidence a good range of skills and technical knowledge whilst developing and exploring your idea. Each shoot needs to be planned meticulously and followed by a detailed reflection - see the link on the right-hand side of this page for links to how to produce the plans and reflections.
Make sure you bring the work to a logical conclusion and produce a final Reflection prior to the deadline. * Keep in mind you have 5-6 weeks on each of these tasks.
S&K Work_______________________________________________________________
One of the key parts of your S&K work will be your research around the idea of exhibiting at The Peoples Gallery at the forum. The same research will fishtail into the work, expectations and preparation for the end of year show here at the college in June.
This research needs to be in enough depth to demonstrate that you have good knowledge of what's involved in producing a show using The Peoples Gallery space. The research has high value in addressing criteria across all of the assessments AC1 to AC5.
Remember this is to be produced as a proposal, unless of course you see real value in it and as a result of the work decide that you want to go ahead with this and put the proposal and research into practice once you leave college.
Aspects that are required.
- Where is it?
- What does it look like and feature?
- What's been there before - what is the standard of the work like?
- When is it available to use?
- How long can it be used for?
- How big would you work be (Size of images/frames)
- What work would you use?
- What you have an individual show or would you collaborate with others - who?
- What would the work be printed on - what are you options?
- How would it be mounted - what are you options?
- What information is available on the Forum website?
- What information is available on the Southend.Gov website?
- Are there any admin costs involved - is it free?
- How would you promote the show - how might you do that - would there be any costs involved?
- Can you sell your work e.g. put prices on it?
- How will you pitch your prices - what are your audience demographic details?
- Is there any support (Grants/Bursaries) available to help with the setting up of the work (Printing, framing and promotion).
- Does the forum offer any help or support with the materials involved.
- Does the Forum have any directions and rules with regards the curating of the show
- What are the conventions with regards the exhibiting of Photography in such a space - hang line - standard approaches?
- Who has the responsibility for health and safety?
- Are the additional costs/rules or admin involved in having an private view?
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