Monday, July 17, 2023



Demographics are the statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, sex, race, ethnicity, education, income, and occupation. Demographic data can used to understand the population's needs and interests. In terms of this course, basic understanding of demographics allows us to identify who buys, commissions, views, accesses or has some knowledge of the types of photography you're researching or producing.

Demographics are important for a variety of reasons. For example, demographic data can be used to:

  • Understand the population's needs and interests. For example, demographic data can be used to determine where to set up photographic businesses such as studios or galleries. Demographic data can also be used to develop marketing campaigns and products that are tailored to specific population groups. Demographic data can also influence the type of work you might produce in order to generate sales of Photographic are work. 
  • Make decisions about who to target in terms of where you might sell your work. For example, demographic data can be used to determine which communities have more access to expendable cash and are likely to buy Photographic art, or commission photography.

You'll generally be analysing demographics when you discuss the audience for the work you research - who uses, accesses, sees, buys or commissions it. A key part of making these judgements is finding the prices of the work especially when it's Photographic Art. Use the "Sold at Auction" prefix in conjunction with the Photographers name and then be realistic about the audience given the price of the work.

Also consider the image content when making this judgement. Is the work accessible in terms of it's visual aesthetics - think Gursky's Rhine II (Below). 

One of the greatest photographs ever taken, valued at over £4.3 million, but completely baffling to anyone without being educated in Photographic art.

If you consider the classic demographic attributes - age, sex, race, ethnicity, education, income, and occupation, you can start to make sense of might use/buy/access this type of work.

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