Tuesday, September 20, 2022

S&K - Professional practice (AC4)

Over the 2 years, you should record all of your professional practice knowledge and learning in your S&K design sheet which is continually updated and added to as you learn. 

All of your tasks are assessed using the same assessment criteria AC4  Professional practice, so, to some extent the evidence you provide is repeated again and again throughout the duration of the course. 

It therefore makes sense that you keep all of the work done with regards these repetitive tasks in a designated document and re-use when required. 

Typically the S&K work for Professional practice will feature good use of images along with commentary demonstrating you've linked the knowledge with your current work and shown a good depth of knowledge on each of the themes. 

  • MSDS's - example + explanation
  • COSHH - example + explanation
  • Health and safety pages - images and explanations - darkroom, studio, chemicals, PPE, lifting, carrying, surroundings, weather extremes, examples of photography that is intrinsically dangerous. 
  • Model releases - example + explanation
  • Rights of use documentation example + explanation
  • Research and analysis of the roles associated with shooting in studios - Assistant, 2nd assistant, runner, make-up artist, hair-stylist, set-builder, studio manager, food economist. models, model agent.
  • Costs sheets - explanations of their use and rationale.
  • Go-sees what are they, how to they fit into the studio process (Jurgen Teller)
  • Look books - evidence of using them - explanations of their rationale (model shoots).
  • Trespass laws - examples of do's and don'ts - Use Southend beaches as example - can you shoot/film on the local beaches.
  • Privacy and Photography
  • Copyright law
  • Wide shots of a studio set with explanations as to why these are used in your work
  • Floor plan diagram (Generic) with legend with explanation as why they're used
  • Floor markings in the studio - why are these a thing
  • Back-up and contingency planning - explanation of what they are and why essential
  • Equipment checklist - example + explanation

  • Research and analysis into Studio hire - where - what's available costs and process involved
  • Research and analysis into location hire - where - what's available costs and process involved and range of options.
  • Research and analysis into equipment hire - where can you hire from what's the process and what's available?
  • AOP (Association of Photography) Who are they - why are they a need to know company
  • BIPP (British institute of Professional Photographers - who are the - why do you need to know about them - What are LBIPP. ABIPP and FBIPP's
  • NUJ (National Union of Journalists) Who are they - why are they a need to know company
  • Portfolio presentation - Generic information and detail about options
  • Website - Generic information and detail about options
  • Workflow - what is it, why is it important

If you write up all these details in the S&K design sheet you can copy and paste (If necessary) the relevant bits into your current work. As you learn more with regards any of these aspects - add to the document and your evidence of knowledge.

Presentation and quality issues re hard-copy work

Create a separate dedicated page on the subject of...

Presentation methods, formats and conventions.

As with the other stand-alone pages, as you learn more about this aspect of photography return to this file/section of your work and add to it and keep doing so over the duration of the course and where needed add this content to the work you're doing, ensuring that it is contextualised in a relevant way. 

Your 'Finals' that you're currently printing off and adding to a portfolio are being produced in almost the worst form they could possibly be... Lazer copy printing using a photo-copy machine. But, the situation is currently universities and even some employers no longer insist on seeing high-quality portfolios when you're applying for a place on a course or a job. More often than not you'll be guided to produce your 'Portfolio' in a format of their choice which will be submitted digitally. Last year there were a range of methods that Universities requested, but the connecting factor was that it was important to be ready to submit the work and have it at your finger-tips as such and ready to be up-loaded or added to a document or portal.

Despite this, it's important that you are aware that outside of this scenario you need to have the knowledge and awareness of the formats, methods and conventions relating to the presentation of hard-copy and digital files in other professional scenarios. 

Medium format camera work: During this phase of the course you'll be introduced to high-quality print finishing that is seen in the production of traditional B&W photography printed for display in galleries and exhibitions. 

Initially all you need to do is collate basic information about each of the products from the Ilford/Harmon website. Using images, product information  for the following papers at the very least for this part of the work...

Ilford MG300 art paper
Ilford (FB) classic gloss
Ilford (FB) classic matt

Once you've used the paper and experienced the quality and its tactile aspects, you'll be able to add to your research your own thoughts and experiences of it - comparing it with the work you've printed previously on RC VC paper and lazer prints from poto-copy machines. 

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Personal Progression

 (1).  Put your name on the front page along with the task title Unit B1 Personal Progression What will I do at the end of my course?  Write...