Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Website & Portfolio

 Write a detailed plan for this section of the work.

  • Intro; explaining the importance and the role of a website. Why do photographers need one how are they used, what's their purpose?
  • Explain the purpose of a portfolio and what a portfolio looks like and where are they seen?
  • Where does a portfolio fit into your progression plans - reiterate what your 1 year progression goal is and your 5 year progression goal. 
Follow this intro by writing a plan for your website researching activities. What do you think you need to research and make yourself a aware of. Do not produce a bullet point list. Write a continuous piece of writing that covers these listed elements below...

Start this section with "Over the next 6 weeks I will be researching" 

5 x websites
Free website domain names v paid domain names
Availability of domain names
Costs of domain names
Professional paid for websites - pros and cons
Primary research 
File size capacity
Ease of use and editing
Customer support
Reviews of free websites
Reviews of paid websites
Examples of 'off the shelf websites'
Examples of professional photographers websites
What other pages are seen on websites
Home page info
About me info and examples
Do free websites allow me to sell my work - what's involved
Use of colour
Use of font
Integration of social media
Do people group images in sets
How many images on a website -what's too much or not enough
What do people want to see
What am I aiming to promote sell with regards me and my skill set
Who can I ask for primary research
What resources can I use for my research
How can I accelerate and learn to compile my website
Are the instructions easy to follow

Once you written up your plan - put it into action and do the things you say you're going to do. 


Pick 3 Free websites as a minimum and research them in terms of their usability, variety of option in terms of off the shelf designs. Find the pre-designed templates and using screen grabs show how varies the websites can look. Do trust pilot and other reviews to see what people say about the websites, 

Look at review websites .... 5 best free websites and similar and see what they say about your chosen three websites. 

What is CMS (Content management systems)

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Personal Progression

 (1).  Put your name on the front page along with the task title Unit B1 Personal Progression What will I do at the end of my course?  Write...