The bulk of your written work appears in your research, plans and reflections. However there is a need to show detailed knowledge of equipment, materials, techniques and mid-project research if seeking to attain the higher grades.
The most effective way of doing this is to produce stand-alone pages that show you have the knowledge and know the part these play in the production of the photography. Typically these might look like this...
This one here shows a technical stand-alone page where you'd be able to show knowledge of aperture, ISO and shutter speeds. 2/3rds of it would be made up of found images off the internet at a basic level and the sections high-lighted in blue are the important part as that's your commentary showing that you have some understanding of these technical aspects.
This is how it might be used initially when you do this for the first time.
Re-use (In subsequent tasks).
Every task you do, needs work relating to all of the examples shown here, but you can't simply copy and paste the same work with no change. The idea of the course is that with each task you under-take as you go through the course, your knowledge and understanding of how all these things work increases. Therefore you can re-use the content but it has to be embellished (Improved and added to). For instance, the preferable re-use would combine more advanced commentary - maybe at the expense of images or the addition of a second column with more commentary and additional images relating to your current work. The other way would be to simply add columns of different subjects showing knowledge across an increasing range of technical aspects. For instance...
Light characteristics and quality; Light colour and casts; Colour use in images - contrast/hue/isolation/harmony/discord; White balance; Light metering; Lens use/field of view; Composition/viewpoint/rule of thirds/dead-space; Visual language basics - image design including person+BG+involvement+Symbol = picture theory;
*If you need more come and ask me and I'll give you more.
The same approach can be used for materials the example here showing good knowledge of Photographic papers and presentation methods (AC4 and AC5) for use when producing Art Photography and having to supply hard-copy work to clients. *Also for those wanting to produce high-quality portfolios. This links to AC2, AC4 and AC5.

The all-important written commentary from you explaining your opinions of it and its use to you in conjunction with your project and your experience of using it. What appeals to you about it and what it might bring to your project if used and perhaps its qualities and characteristics.
You're not restricted to one page, you can do more and show far more knowledge of these products.
You can also use this approach to add additional research within the project to support your idea development, this does not have to be anywhere as detailed as your research at the start of the project, unless you feel its justified or perhaps your initial research was sub-standard?
The emphasis of the written content should be on the same themes as the detailed research - what kind of photography is it, what's its purpose, where's it seen how does it communicate meaning/message/narrative.
Equipment - Your images of it, or found images from the internet. Product data screen grabs and your own written content explaining it's use in conjunction with your own work, how you use it, why its useful and the impact it has on your images/work.
These pages help to address the criteria if you've explained in terms of your own use and the impact on your work.
AC1 Informing Ideas (Research)
AC2 Problem solving
AC3 Technical skills
AC4 Professional skills
AC5 Communication
Communication AC5 Pages where you identify your leaning, knowledge and use of communication skills and approaches.
See also -
H&S stand-alone pages...
Produce a page based on the stand-alone page model
with three columns addressing 3 aspects of H&S associated with your practice. The work can be a mixture of images and written content,
the important aspect being that it needs to be written up in the context of
your own work. One suggestion might be a column on...
(1). General H&S lifting, carrying,
type of bags and impact on spine;
(2). Location – how safe is it, suggestion was you
could include crime figures and details and what you do to stay safe.
(3) Exposure
to the elements – sun/cold/accidents if in desolate locations.
(4). Studio safety - water, cables, dumping the charge, lifting carrying, falling objects, electricity
(5). Chemical H&S - Coshh/MSDS, skin and eye contact, PPE, general Chemical H&S
(6). Identify types of work - that professionals do that is intrinsically un-safe and explain what they'd probably do to comply with H&S... Building site photographers, wildlife photographers (Tigers, sharks, Lions etc.
Top Tip - If you were to adopt this approach it might be useful to save the specific pages as separate files apart from your main design sheet and only add them on the final day at hand in.
This way, you could then return to the files modify, improve and then use again - updated as you learn more in the next assignment if relevant.
The same approach or similar could be used to identify process/technique