Wednesday, September 7, 2022

What the hell am I suppose to be writing? (Pinhole project)

Work in progress (27/8/24)

(1). A lot of the writing you should have already done - The summer project. 

If you've not done it or completed it you need to get a move on and get it completed as it's the research work for the Pinhole project. You need to have it completed by Sept 12th (Thursday) ready to hand in on Friday. 

The work you're producing needs to be produced in digital files, either Power-point or Word. We call these "Design sheets". You'll have 2 design sheets. One we'll refer to as your main design sheet or your main project work and your Summer project work is the research part of the Main Design sheet.

*Have a look at the work started to illustrate how the layout of the work should be (its in one of the display folders.

The important thing is to make sure that it is in your OneDrive in the Research folder which is in your Pinhole folder.

Onedrive - Pinhole Project - Research 

(2) In response to your practical work. 

In the Task sheet -  you'll see that there is mention of what the work needs to address this is linked to the criteria. For Pinhole you need to show that you have A1.3 - Explore & develop creative and technical skills. In essence you simply have to explain how you've used the Pinhole camera and how you've gradually become more creative with the camera as you've developed your ideas and skills. The technical aspect comes with explaining why it works in some situations and not in others and what's required in terms of getting the best outcome from the camera. 

Observations (Written content) can relating to...T

  • The light - it's intensity, type and characteristics.
  • The lens - can it be changed - what impact has a different lens have on the image?
  • The depth and size of the camera.
  • How you've improved the images.
  • How the camera works in terms of focal length and field of view
  • The impact of exposure time - what influences exposure time?
  • The impact of further research.
  • The impact of integrating the use of body language, facial expressions and props.
  • The significance and use of backgrounds.


Keep in mind this is a Photography course and most of the practical work will be conducted in the college using the facilities. BTEC love to see photography in your work. Much of the pass criteria can be evidenced through the use of images/photos/diagrams/illustrations/plans etc, so when you're in college make work - take pictures use the facilities and try and spend time being creative rather than sitting in front of a PC/Laptop typing.

The time to type and write up your design sheets will be when we're in a PC room. Other than that come in early - stay behind, work in breaks and also use the time on your time-table for 'Work Experience' to get your design sheets caught up with. 

Keep on top of it and do a bit every day in response to your practical activities.

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Personal Progression

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